Đời Sống Tình Dục Của Giới Trẻ Và Người Trưởng Thành - Rouge Sex Life Of Young And Mature Housing Complex Wives
Naomi was a good-looking career woman but retired at the same time as a married woman. However, the happy honeymoon passes quickly, and the husband drinks alcohol every day and returns home late to harass her.That lonely girl who suddenly came to her, moved. He was a junior muto who worked with the company right before. Muto is also surprised to know that his elder brother, whom he admires, is a cut. Two people who are happy to say hello to you. Since then, Muto has often come to her house and Naomi, who is thinking about her divorce because of her hard life with her husband I will consult with him in trouble. And the two who eventually come together. Naomi wins her tough marriage through mutual fun of Muto.
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